Nyt fra IDC – VM 2022


Dear members,
We have been asked by several countries to lighten the qualification conditions for WM 2022 as the last two years have been very difficult to organise and participate in competitions.
As we want to give everyone a chance to participate in WM, we decided that for 2022 only 1 competition is needed instead of the usual 2.

In 2023 there are still flexible qualification rules regarding the period: as mentioned in the first mail, the period of 2023 runs from January 1, 2022 until 4 weeks before closing date and this for 2 competitions.Thanks in advance for communicating this change and see you soon!

Kind regards,
Evi Torfs
IDC secretary


Dear members,

We are receiving several questions concerning the qualifications for IDC WM 2022 & 2023. Please share this information with your members.

IDC WM 2022 will take place in Italy from the 28th until the 30th of October 2022.
For the qualifications we will accept all competitions from 2021 & 2022. (see rules)
Qualification started at January 1st 2021 and will end on September 1st 2022 (4 weeks before the entry deadline which is September 30th)
Here is the link to the website: https://www.idcdobermann.it/en/

IDC WM 2023 will take place in Slovakia from the 5th until the 7th of May 2023.
Hence the short qualification period we will accept all competitions from 2022 & 2023 until 4 weeks before the entry deadline. (see rules)
Qualification started at January 1st 2022 and will end 4 weeks before the closing date (to be determined).

As a reminder here are the qualification rules:

The requirements for participation in the IDC World Championhip are: two passed IPO 3 trials under two different judges, these qualification trials can be completed in the home country. Total score of 250 points in IPO 3 and at least 85 points in Phase C with TSB “a”

Qualification start 1 week after IDC conducted WM. End of the qualification is 4 weeks before the entry deadline of the next years event.

Here you will find the entry form, please note that we only accept team registrations from the national Dobermann club.

A copy of the workbook must be included with the entry form of participants.

Cropped and docked dogs are not allowed to participate, even with a medical certificate. These are rules from ENCI, the Italian kennel club.

We hope to see you there and wish you and your team good luck!

Evi Torfs

IDC secretary